Weimin Zhang
Director of Cinematographer; Film Professor


M.F.A., Film Production, School of Film, Ohio University, U.S.A.
M.A., Interactive Multimedia Design, School of Visual Communication, Ohio University
B.F.A., Cinematography, Beijing Film Academy, China

Professional Experience:

Weimin Zhang, a track record award winning filmmaker and professional cinematographer. She is one of the China’s Sixth Generation filmmakers graduated from Beijing Film Academy in Cinematography.

Weimin Zhang has been working on numerous award winning feature films, documentary films, TV drama series in both China and the U.S for over 15 years. The award winning feature films that she worked as director of photographer include: Grandfather Ge, The Homebound Crane and CEO; The TV drama series that she worked as DP including The Opium War and The Legends of 100 Year Old of Chinese Business. Nushu – The Secret Writing of Women in China won the best documentary film at 8th Torino International Women’s Film Festival, Italy in 1999. Her feature documentary film, The House of Spirit won numerous awards in international film festivals. In 2007, The Library of Congress (Asian Division) acquisitioned her interactive multimedia DVD-Rom, “Nushu – The Women’s Secret Writing” for permanent preservation in its collection as a scholarly research project. In 2008, she worked in 2008 Official Olympic documentary feature film, Everlasting Flame: 2008 Beijing Olympic as the U.S. unit director and cinematography, she is now working on her own feature documentary The Last Days of Beijing Hutongs.

Since 2005, she starting teaching film production at Cinema department, Sang Francisco State University. The courses that she has taught are: Cinematography and Lighting; Film Production Workshop; Digital Cinematography; Chinese Documentary Film; Documentary and Social Justice; Visual Anthropology; International Documentary Workshop

张伟民, 电影教授 美国旧金山洲立大学创意学院电影系 教育背景:张伟民教授于2000年获美国俄亥俄大学电影学校 MFA学位及视觉传播学院多媒体设计硕士学位。 她于1991年毕业于北京电影学院摄影系故事片摄影专业。 专业背景:张伟民教授是一位有着多次获奖纪录的电影制作人,电影摄影师及数字多媒体设计师。张伟民是毕业于北京电影学院的中国电影第六代电影人。自1991年起,从北京电影学院电影摄影专业毕业后,她曾经作为主要创作人员参与创作了很多获奖故事片,电视剧以及纪录片。其中包括获奖故事片:”鹤童”, “葛老爷子”以及”首席执行官”等。她执导的获奖纪录片:”The House of Spirit “曾在美国及加拿大等很多国际电影节获奖。她曾担任摄影师的由加拿大国家电视台出品的纪录片”Nushu – The Secret Writing of Women in China”获1999 年意大利Torito 国际女性电影节最佳纪录片奖。2007年, 她的中英文双语互动数字多媒体作品:”Nushu – The Secret Language of Women”于2007年被美国国会图书馆作为有价值和特色的研究成果永久收藏。 2008年, 张伟民作为美国组导演参与由国际奥组委监制,由中央新闻纪录电影制片厂承制2008年中国奥运会官方纪录电影”Everlasting Flame – 2008 Beijing Official Olympic Film”的制作, 这部影片荣获2009年加拿大蒙特利尔电影节特别奖及意大利米兰体育电影节大奖。目前,她正在进行一部有关北京胡同的长篇纪录片的后期制作工作。网址请见http://hutongstory.com

教授课程: 张伟民教授自2006年开始在旧金山大学电影系主要教授的本科及研究生课程有:电影摄影及灯光,纪录片电影制作,国际纪录片工作坊,数字电影创作以及电影制作工作坊等科目。

联系方式: 电话:(650)868-4535 电邮:weimin@sfsu.edu